thanks - it's thursday....

What's going on about you that you can be thankful for today?

Some of you will have to dig deep, others will be brimming with ideas on the surface.  Either way - there's something.

For me, I'm thankful that my three children are all happily back at their respective schools and are moving along in their life's journey.

I'm thankful that school has started and I've returned to my job as a librarian's assistant at our two local elementary schools.

I'm thankful that it's not supposed to be 95 degrees tomorrow...finally.

Your turn!

Leave a comment below telling us what you're thankful for.

You never know just who might need to hear about it......


  1. Having a relationship with an amazing, patient, loving God! Who constantly reminds me that He is caring for me, no matter how busy I am.
    I'm also thankful for health insurance, good medical care, Steve's job, my family, the list could go on for quite some time, but I am going to BED! Yeah! lol Thanks for sharing - love reading your postes! :)

  2. What a good idea! My top three "thanks" are:

    1. I have a job I enjoy and am good at.

    2. My favorite time of year is here: Fall – a time of new beginnings

    3. God has a plan for me that might be scary but will be perfect for me.

    Thanks Beth for challenging me to stop and make this list today. What a great tradition to start!


Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment. Much appreciated!