65 and sunny is the weather forecast for today - I don't get many birthdays on December 3rd that have a weather prediction quite as nice as that one. Feeling the warm morning air, I couldn't resist - I grabbed my camera and spent some time this morning doing what I love to do - taking photos in the early morning light and reflecting on the day, the past year, and the year ahead.
Birthdays are to a life what Mondays are to a diet- a fresh finish, a new start, a time to regroup and forge ahead. It's good once a year to take stock of where we've come from and where we are going (hopefully).
I am feeling better about myself in the late 40's than maybe I have all my life. I can stand tall,

knowing that I am content with me, who I am, and who I'm (still) becoming. Enough with first impressions and worrying about the small stuff- it feels good to be surer of myself now than when I was in my 20's or even 30's at times.
I live surrounded by a lot of love....

....and am so thankful for the family and friends that indwell my life and my heart.
I will strive in this next year to live simply, love completely, and learn continually. That truly is the best kind of life.

And, as always, my dad's words echo in my ears every time I have a birthday. He never let us forget that although on that particular day you were a certain age (48), you were now entering the next numerical year of your life ("You're now in your 49th year").
In a way to honor that and launch something new, today I'm starting another blog called, aptly, "The 49th year". It will be a daily photo that I've taken to represent that day with a caption somedays, and perhaps no writing at all other days. I'd love to have you come along on a photographic journal of my 49th year if you wish to do so - you can find it here
http://the49thyear.blogspot.com .
Let's enjoy the journey together.
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